We share the hope achieving a healthy mind and body of the development of youth and to contribute to the promotion of sports in the community.
【設立目的】熊本県合志市のスポーツ競技レベルの向上《スポーツ王国合志市》を目指し、合志市の青少年の健全な心身の育成を図り夢と希望を共有し地域社会のスポーツ振興に貢献する。【指導理念】1.国際人として通用する人材2.自己確立し、社会人として正しい判断で行動出来る人間の育成3.強い意志で自分の未来を創造し切り開く能力の育成4.スポーツを通じて地域に貢献出来る人材の育成5.個性を大切に特徴ある選手の育成【良い習慣化~Good Standard~】FC.CONQUESTAではサッカーを通じて豊かな人間性の育成を目指しています。人間性の教育を怠っては、良い子ども達の育成は出来ないと考えています。自分で考え自ら行動が起こせる、自分の考えを表現できる、人の話しがしっかり聞ける、挨拶・社会的マナー・食事・睡眠、勉強などの生活習慣をしっかりと身につけて欲しいと心から願ってます。[Purpose of establishment]It aims to improve "sports kingdom Koshi City" of Kumamoto Prefecture Koshi City of sports level, to share the hopes and dreams strive for sound mental and physical development of Koshi City of youth to contribute to the promotion of sports in the community.[Leadership philosophy]1. human resources-class as an international person2. self-establishment, training of human beings that can act in a correct judgment as a member of society3. development of the ability to open up to create their own future with a strong will4. development of human resources that can contribute to the local through sportsDevelopment of cherish a feature player 5. individuality[A good habit of ~ Good Standard ~]We aim to foster a rich humanity through football in FC.CONQUESTA. Neglect of human nature education, we believe that can not be good children of nurturing.His own thinking on your own actions Okoseru, can express their ideas, firmly hear talk of people, greetings and social manners, Food, sleep, and I sincerely hope that I want you to put in firmly acquire the lifestyle of such study.